My most trepidatious "first!" I suppose it is the same for almost every new owner.
In getting ready for my maiden voyage, I wanted to dump close to home for the first time. I wanted a low-stress environment, and I had a partially full tank with no number twos yet. I threw down $7.50 at an easily-accessible dump station at a gas station near my home on a sunny afternoon.
I had watched numerous videos numerous times. I wanted to be sure I got it 100% right! So I donned my gloves, hooked up the poopy toob, and let the black tank rip. Closed it up, emptied the grey tank, and all is good!
The next steps, where I rinse out the dump tube using a nearby spigot, is where I learned some things that weren't mentioned in the YouTube videos.
Lesson one: the tube is crackerjack at following the laws of gravity. So, as I unhooked it from the rig, it wanted to gloop-gloop-gloop down the holding tank. Yikes! Come back! But not too fast and splashy!
Lesson two: ALWAYS ALWAYS chick the pressure and angle of the rinse spigot before aiming it in your poopy tube! Cuz guess what? There was some splash-back and it landed right on my lower pants leg and shoe!
Luckily, I was close to home and I was able to rush back, throw my clothes and shoes into the washer and get myself to the shower immediately!
Success, and lesson learned for next time!
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